Are You Interested in Becoming a Professional Investigator? Look No Further!

Private investigation has become a vibrant and intriguing profession. Today, a wide variety of agencies, law firms, insurance companies and government entities rely on savvy investigators who can unearth facts, compile evidence and contribute to the resolution of complex issues. Additionally, the escalation of crime, lack of law enforcement resources, and the need for internal investigations in litigation and corporate security make this a booming and rewarding field.

Below are some frequently asked questions about becoming a professional investigator:

What do professional investigators do?

Depending on the type of investigations you are looking to have a career in, tasks may vary. Some of the tasks for criminal investigators may do the following:

  • Respond to emergencies
  • Analyze crime scenes
  • Collect evidence
  • Obtain warrants
  • Interview witnesses
  • Testify in court
  • Write case reports
  • Maintain meticulous case records

For those who are looking to do other types of investigative work, duties may involve anything from performing surveillance to conducting background checks and gathering specific intelligence.

Where can I work as a professional investigator?

  • Corporations
  • Insurance firms
  • Private companies
  • Law firms
  • Police departments

How do I become a licensed professional investigator?

This course exceeds the state education requirements mandated by The Georgia State Board of Private Detectives to take the State Board of Private Detective and Security Agencies Georgia State Licensing Exam. Upon completion of the application, meeting all prerequisites, and successful completion of the exam a student can obtain their license. However, if a student does not meet the prerequisites, they can still take the exam and become a registered private investigator.

What will I learn while I am taking courses to become a certified professional investigator?

  • Locating pertinent sources of information
  • Developing leads as it relates to professional inquiries
  • Locating missing persons
  • Understanding crime scene searches
  • Domestic and family law investigations
  • Insurance fraud


If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a professional investigator, click here.