Community ESL Classes

Registration is NOW OPEN for our Spring I ESL classes!

Classes are 8 weeks and cost $275 plus textbook.

For evening classes (Monday and Wednesday 7:30pm-9:00pm), please register at this link.

For Saturday classes (9:00am-12:15pm), please register at this link.

The registration deadline is January 10 at 10pm. All new students must attend a placement test on January 8 at 7pm, or January 11 at 9am. The location of the placement test will be emailed after registration.  New students will not be permitted to join the class without taking the placement test at one of these times.

La fecha límite de inscripción es el 10 de Enero a las 10 pm. Todos los estudiantes nuevos deben asistir a una prueba de nivelación el 8 de Enero a las 7 pm, o el 11 de Enero a las 9 am. La ubicación de la prueba de nivelación se enviará por correo electrónico después de la inscripción. No se permitirá que los estudiantes nuevos se unan a la clase sin realizar la prueba de nivelación en uno de estos horarios.

Please email for more information. All are welcome!

Program Information

  • This program is for au pairs, working adults, business people traveling in the United States, and any other community members who wish to work on their skills with conversational and low or intermediate level English.
  • Each session (or level) is 8 weeks of study.
  • Course Levels: There is a possibility of several levels. After the placement test and registrations are complete, students will be assigned a level based on their score and recommendations from any previous teachers. Currently, the Community ESL program offers levels from Starter (absolute beginner) to Level 5 (low advanced). Not every level will be offered at both class times. Students will be placed after testing at registration. 
  • Classes will be held on the KSU Kennesaw Campus.
  • A minimum of ten (10) students is needed to offer the evening or Saturday classes.
***Mandatory placement testing will be on-site at the Kennesaw campus the week prior to classes beginning. Students will be emailed with the location after registration.***

Questions? Contact Us.

Questions? Contact Us.


Parking is free on campus for these programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question
  • Can students with an F-1 visa attend this program?
    No, this program does not satisfy the enrollment requirements for the F-1 student visa. Students with an F-1 visa may enroll in the Intensive English Program. For more information please visit the F-1 visa page.
  • Will this program prepare me for university studies?
    No, for more information on the Intensive English Program day classes, please visit the Future Student page on the Intensive English Program website.
  • Do you offer classes on Tuesday & Thursday?
    We currently only offer classes on Monday & Wednesday.
  • Do you offer childcare?
    No, childcare is not available.
  • Where can I purchase my books for class?
    You can purchase your book in the KSU Bookstore. More information will be discussed during registration.
  • Will you provide me with a certificate of completion for the level or program?
    Yes, we will provide you with a certificate of completion of 24 hours if your attendance level for the session is 80% or higher and your work is satisfactory. This is a non-credit program. Au pairs should speak to their au pair agency prior to registering to ensure the certificate will be accepted.
  • What is your refund policy?
    Students may receive a 100% refund of tuition before the start of classes. No refunds will be given after classes start.
  • Can I start the classes and pay later?
    Space is limited; therefore, your place in the class is only reserved with full payment.
  • How do I know my level of study?
    All students will take a placement test at registration and be placed into the appropriate level.